After researching construction methods of the general form of the dome, we have moved on to researching a method for fitting the window into the dome in such a way that is water proof and reliable. For inserting a window into the dome there is a plethora of complications that come with our researched methods.

In using metal conduits, although the construction method seems relatively easy and straight forward, when it comes to inserting a window with a frame the structure is not very accommodating and also there is a cost issue. Using metal conduits the structure would cost roughly 50 dollars per group member. A similar problem arises with the researched PVC pipe method, with the structure not being very accommodating for the insertion of a window. However the cost of construction is considerably less. Although the PVC pipe is a lot more flexible when it comes to modification, with it being easily cut and bent to some degree.

In regard to insertion of a window the timber material is the most suited, with it being able to be cut to have a recess that a window can be inserted into and easily mounted in place. Even a frame can be created as highlighted by the linked video. Although timber construction would be time consuming and not necessarily cheap. If a method for inserting a window is not discovered for the other researched materials I think a combination of construction methods should be used in conjunction with the timber material. Though more research is required before a final method is chosen.